Equity-Minded Teaching and Open Educational Resources

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-12-25


Abstract: "A nation that leads the world in science and engineering research and innovation, to the benefit of all, without barriers to participation,” p. 9, NSF 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, is the guiding principle behind this research paper. Justice, diversity, inclusion, and equity are the four important components that need to be addressed carefully to authentically discuss the state of mathematics education in the United States and deliberately achieve the goal of incrementally improving the low baseline success rates reported by 50 states. In this paper, equity and access will be utilized as lenses when discussing Open Educational Resources (OER). Given the data-driven world we live in, the crucial need of effective mathematics education is quite evident. The COVID-19 pandemic stunted the growth of students’ mathematical skills at all levels. Then the academic community, especially the mathematics community had to scramble and try new ways to continue delivering mathematical content with some success and rigor. In this paper, OER implementation in a Calculus course will be examined through the lenses of equity and access, i.e., what level of effectiveness has been achieved by OER in terms of learning outcomes of students Calculus courses given that students have access to OER the first week of the semester and that equity in terms of modes of delivery have slowly been improved.



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Date tagged:

12/25/2024, 14:17

Date published:

12/25/2024, 09:17