The Next Generation of 3D Tiles

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-07-14


"Nearly two years ago, we announced the 3D Tiles initiative for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets. It is amazing and humbling to see how much of it has come to fruition and how a vibrant community has formed around 3D Tiles.

With this initial success, we now have the foundation for modern 3D geospatial: Cesium as the canvas, 3D Tiles as the conduit, and the seemingly endless stream of geospatial data as the supply.

The data acquisition trends are clear: we are collecting more data, more frequently, at a higher resolution and lower cost than ever before, and the data is inherently 3D, driven by heterogeneous sources such as photogrammetry and LIDAR.

The challenge now is to realize the full value of these data. With your help, of course!..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.3d oa.geo

Date tagged:

07/14/2017, 12:20

Date published:

07/14/2017, 08:21