Linked Research

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-05-05


"Linked Research is an initiative, a movement, and a manifesto. We believe that scholarly communication is stunted by current academic publishing practices, and we aim to promote change for the greater good. This is not something hypothetical or a dream for the future, it is completely possible with today's technologies. A cultural shift is needed, and Linked Research is here to bring together like-minded people who want to push this forwards.

Linked Research is not biased towards any particular tool or technology; we understand that different researchers and disciplines have different needs and desires around scholarly communication. We encourage the use of any technologies that comply with the Linked Research principles...."

Publish your research in a space you control, on your own terms. You do not need permission to make your work accessible to all....Create unique identifiers for everything you think is important, from data objects to sections of prose, so others can refer to and reuse them....Reuse and link to other research and data so nothing goes to waste or is reinvented. Keep a machine-readable trace of inspirations and derivations....Have an open comments policy so that anyone can review and generate discussion around your work....Reject information silos, paywalls, academic box-ticking, and archaic and artificial barriers. Be the change; publish your research using a free culture license, and openly review the work of others...."


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Date tagged:

05/05/2018, 13:35

Date published:

05/05/2018, 09:38