Comunicación - Crue aprueba compromiso Open Science

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-02-24


From Google's English: "The Spanish universities yesterday agreed on their commitment to Open Science , a new form of collaborative, transparent and accessible approach to research, which implies a structural change in the way of conceiving both research and the dissemination of its results. The General Assembly of Crue Universidades Españolas, held yesterday in Madrid, approved a document containing ten concrete actions to promote Open Science, along the same lines as other similar European institutions and associations. The text has been prepared by the Open Science Working Group Crue was formed on June 18, 2018 and currently chairs Francisco Mora, member of the Standing Committee of Crue and rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. 

Through this document , entitled "Commitment of universities to Open Science ", the 76 public and private institutions associated with Crue Universidades Españolas show their willingness to promote, as far as possible, the implementation of Open Science through the following actions: ..."


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Date tagged:

02/24/2019, 15:49

Date published:

02/24/2019, 10:49