WikiCiteVis — exploring citations on Wikipedia | Labs | eLife

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-04-19


"This week, researchers from the Wikimedia Foundation announced a major update to the open dataset of citations in Wikipedia: the data now includes the article topics and open-access (OA) status of cited works, enabling analysts to understand the openness of research shared via Wikipedia. Researchers at the Wikimedia Foundation found that 40% of the scholarly publications cited in Wikipedia have a freely available version on the web. For Wikipedia articles in biology and medicine specifically, 44% and 40% of scholarly articles cited have a freely available version on the web, respectively.

To help interested readers explore this data, a team of developers from Wikimedia and eLife have released WikiCiteVis, a web app for querying the dataset, first designed at the eLife Innovation Sprint in May 2018. Check how a scholarly article or book is cited in Wikipedia using WikiCiteVis and read on to find out more about the development of this tool, including how to contribute...."



04/19/2019, 06:45

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.citations oa.wikipedia oa.metadata oa.visualizations

Date tagged:

04/19/2019, 10:45

Date published:

08/20/2018, 06:45