Publizieren: "Open Access sollte freiwillig sein" - Forschung & Lehre

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-08-15


From Google's English: "I consider the possibility of free access to publications to enrich the scientific publishing culture as long as it is voluntary. I like to use Open Access myself sometimes. But I see it critically that central arguments in the open access debate are presented as alternative, although they are not on closer analysis. A compulsion to open access is felt by many scientists as restriction of their freedom of choice. It also creates bureaucracy and costs the authors money. In the light of these facts, as well as current discussions on "Plan S", I think it is appropriate to take a closer look at the critical aspects of Open Access."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.german oa.mandates oa.attitudes oa.academic_freedom oa.plan_s oa.policies

Date tagged:

08/15/2019, 15:43

Date published:

08/15/2019, 11:43