Data Sharing RFP 17Dec2019 - Google Docs

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-01-19


"U.S. fisheries rely on data generated by fishing activities to manage fish populations and meet sustainability mandates. This includes selectively sharing data across many users and communities - scientists, managers, industry, and law enforcement - as well as among states, federal agencies, inter-state fishery commissions, and international management bodies.  As digital tools increase the volume, submission frequency, and complexity of fisheries data, data sharing agreements among NOAA Fisheries and its many partners need to consistently reflect best practices for data security and access, while still adapting to specific use cases. Intertidal Agency is seeking an expert individual, firm, or organization to: conduct a review of existing data sharing agreements, recommend approaches to continue and areas for improvement, provide guidance on when and why to have an agreement or not, and develop a library of language that is usable by both regulatory and technical staff. 

Applicants need not have prior experience with fisheries but should be knowledgeable about the structure and impacts of legal agreements concerning data sharing and management in other sectors. Specific experience with data sharing programs that satisfy state, federal, and international requirements is preferred. Intertidal Agency can provide content expertise as needed and NOAA Fisheries staff will serve as project advisors...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.rfp oa.usa oa.noaa oa.usa.noaa

Date tagged:

01/19/2020, 10:16

Date published:

01/19/2020, 05:16