Harvard University Digital Arts & Humanities

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-09-15


"The Digital Arts and Humanities team here at Harvard is working to make it easier for faculty and students to express themselves in new and creative ways using digital technologies, to help them organize and gain insight into vast bodies of visual and textual information, and to join them in experimenting with computer-aided analysis of all forms of digital information. The practice of the digital arts and humanities is like mastering a new cuisine (the cooking of, not the eating of). It is far more about the practice of research and expression and the corresponding communities of practice rather than any body of theory or knowledge.
That means that our success will be measured by successful partnerships with faculty and students. We see these partnerships as true explorations. The field is not well-defined, technology changes quickly, and nothing engages our team members more than finding a good fit between a digital technology and a challenging problem in the arts and humanities...."



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Date tagged:

09/15/2013, 10:21

Date published:

09/15/2013, 06:21