WHOIS behind SNSI & GetFTR? | Motley Marginalia

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-11-29


"I question whether such rich personally identifiably information (PII) is required to prevent illicit account access. If it is collected at all, there are more than enough data points here (obviously excluding username and account information) to deanonymize individuals and reveal exactly what they looked at and when so it should not be kept on hand too long for later analysis.

Another related, though separate endeavor is GetFTR which aims to bypass proxies (and thereby potential library oversight of use) entirely. There is soo much which could be written about both these efforts and this post only scratches the surface of some of the complex issues and relationships affect by them.

The first thing I was curious about was, who is bankrolling these efforts? They list the backers on their websites but I always find it interesting as to who is willing to fund the coders and infrastructure. I looked up both GetFTR and SNSI in the IRS Tax Exempt database as well as the EU Find a Company portal and did not find any results. So I decided to do a little more digging matching WHOIS data in the hopes that something might pop out, nothing interesting came of this so I put it at the very bottom....

It should come as no surprise that Elsevier, Springer Nature, ACS, and Wiley - which previous research has shown are the publishers producing the most research downloaded in the USA from Sci-Hub - are supporting both efforts. Taylor & Francis presumably feels sufficiently threatened such that they are along for the ride...."



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Date tagged:

11/29/2020, 08:57

Date published:

11/29/2020, 03:57