Peter Suber - Good Practices for University Open-Access Policies

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-10-23


"Since 2011, with input and feedback from colleagues around the world, Stuart Shieber and I [Peter Suber] have been developing recommendations for university policies on open access to faculty research. We released the first edition of our guide during Open Access Week 2012, and have spent the last year enlarging and improving it. We keep the master version of the guide on a wiki to make continual revision easy. Although the wiki version has received nearly 40,000 views to date, some users prefer to read or share the guide in other formats. Today, in Open Access Week 2013, we're pleased to release the first print and PDF editions. The new editions use the text as it stood in late September 2013. The wiki edition will still contain the latest updates. But the new editions should make the guide more versatile and useful. Like the wiki edition, the new editions stand under Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licenses...."


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Date tagged:

10/23/2013, 10:46

Date published:

10/23/2013, 06:46