The latest advances in the promotion and implementation of OA policies in Italy

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-11-02


"the Conference of the Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI) approved the Guidelines for Open Access and Open Data policies (27 June 2013) (the link will soon available)
the University of Trieste had already approved its institutional policy on Open Access to research outputs (enacted 7 June 2013), based on the Liège ID/OA model <>
the University of Turin had already approved its institutional policy on Open Access to research outputs, deeply connecting research evaluation and the deposit into the institutional repository (17 June 2013)<>  (effective as of1. November 2013). Both Universities had included a clause in support of OA in their newly approved Statutes.
These endorsements follow upon the Position Statement on Open Access, which is being signed by an increasing number of Research Institutions:<>
(after the National MedOANet workshop, held on 29 January 2013), and the designation of Prof. Juan Carlos De Martin, Polytechnic University of Turin, as national point of reference, in line with the European Commission’s “Recommendation on access to and preservation of scientific information” 2012/417/UE...."


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Date tagged:

11/02/2013, 10:09

Date published:

11/02/2013, 06:09