How To Reuse Your Prior Publications in Your Thesis/Dissertation - Harvard Library Calendars - Harvard Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-01-05


"Are you a Harvard student working on your thesis or dissertation? Do you want to reuse your prior publications as chapters? In this virtual January@GSAS workshop led by the Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication, you will learn how to read your publishing agreements for comprehension so that you can feel confident about your ability to reuse your work and understand the conditions under which you may also share it publicly in DASH, Harvard's open-access institutional repository. Get tips for exploring publisher policies and asking permission for reuse. Open to all graduate students. Contact the Office for Scholarly Communication with questions about the event and accessibility."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.reuse oa.etds oa.students oa.ecr oa.harvard.u hu.oa oa.repositories

Date tagged:

01/05/2022, 10:05

Date published:

01/05/2022, 05:05