Paulo Coelho, My thoughts on S.O.P.A.

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-02-06


"I have nothing against people earning money from their books; that’s how I make my living.

But look at what’s happening now. Stop Online Piracy Act (S.O.P.A) may disrupt internet. This is a REAL DANGER, not only for Americans, but for all of us, as the law – if approved – will affect the whole planet.

And how do I feel about this? As an author, I should be defending ‘intellectual property’, but I’m not.

Pirates of the world, unite and pirate everything I’ve ever written!..."



02/06/2022, 09:55

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Date tagged:

02/06/2022, 14:54

Date published:

01/20/2012, 09:55