Mike Furlough Selected To Be Executive Director of HathiTrust | HathiTrust Digital Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2014-02-25


"The HathiTrust Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Furlough as the Executive Director of HathiTrust. Furlough comes to HathiTrust from The Pennsylvania State University, where he is currently Associate Dean for Research and Scholarly Communications. Furlough has more than a dozen years of experience leading initiatives in digital scholarship, content stewardship, and scholarly communications, and has served for the last nine months as an inaugural member of HathiTrust's Program Steering Committee. Furlough will begin his tenure as Executive Director on May 19...."



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Date tagged:

02/25/2014, 14:05

Date published:

02/25/2014, 09:05