OSCoffee: a hands-on introduction to preregistration - Leiden University

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-09-26


"Antonio Schettino is the founder of the Open Science Community Rotterdam, and together with Dr. Caspar van Lissa (OSCU and OSCT) has set-up a workshop about preregistration wherein many resources about this topic are gathered. The ultimate grounds for this OSCoffee within our fall theme of preregistration and registered reports.

Preregistration is the practice of publishing the plan for a study before the data have been collected or examined. This plan may include research questions and hypotheses, research design, and data analysis protocol. A preregistration document is time-stamped and uploaded on an independent platform so that it can be shared publicly, either immediately (before starting the study) or after an embargo period (when the study is over).

In this hands-on workshop, Dr. Schettino will introduce the practice of preregistration and show how to preregister a study on the Open Science Framework (OSF). Attendees will learn how to: - choose a template appropriate for their research - add metadata - include precise, specific, and exhaustive information in the protocol - upload supplementary files - make the preregistration public (immediately or embargoed)..."



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Date tagged:

09/26/2022, 09:36

Date published:

09/26/2022, 05:36