NARCIS > Decommissioning NARCIS Portal
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-01-09
"DANS will decommission the NARCIS Portal. This means that from January, all content related to projects, persons and organisations on the NARCIS website will be frozen. And on March 1, this website will be taken offline.
The mission of DANS is to promote the reuse of research data and thus improve the quality of science. To this end, it is important to further strengthen the role of DANS as a national centre of expertise and repository for research data. In this way, we offer scientists the opportunity to sustainably store research data and make them easily findable and accessible.
In response to the changing demand for research information and increasing international cooperation, new (inter)national solutions and services are also increasingly emerging. For example, there are several alternatives to the NARCIS service at national, European and international level...."