Digital Academics: Academic Blogging (AB) As Open-Access (OA) Publishing

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"A sub- "sub-species" of Open Access Publishing has arisen in the domain of Academic Blogging. This initiative is being driven, primarily, by young, non-tenured, female faculty members....I think these young academic bloggers have the potential to generate new "paradigms" for women and for traditional academic departments. For example, one department is planning a course titled: Cyborg Anthropology: The Study of Human-Machine Systems. Other academic bloggers are beginning to document the Project's/Movement's history and connectivities and, also, to compare/contrast the new blogger-driven Project/Movement with other oppositional faculty movements (in the US and internationally)...The purpose of the present blogpost is to situate the new Academic Blogging Project/Movement within the domain of OA Publishing and to facilitate accommodation of the very substantial OA literature for the new project's purposes. I have three primary theses that are not intended to be comprehensive but to provide a stimulus for thought and action: Thesis 1: Academic Blogging (AB)= Open-Access (OA) Publishing= Digital Academics= "Functional [Digital] Modules"= Digital Connectomes= Collaborative Digital Networks= "Digital Economics" Thesis 2: "Ladybusiness"..."can provide a different set of metaphors" (Jaron Lanier 2012, Thesis 3: The large OA literature could facilitate attainment of AB goals and objectives, in particular, legitimizing AB as publishing on par with publications conventionally deemed acceptable academic currency...."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.social_media oa.blogging oa.networking



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:44

Date published:

02/20/2012, 16:57