Citizendium turns five, but the Wikipedia fork is dead in the water

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Five years ago this month, Larry Sanger caused a stir when he launched a fork of Wikipedia, the site he helped create in 2001. Sanger believed Wikipedia had fatal weaknesses that could only be fixed by making a clean break from the past. He had devised a new editing process he hoped would allow his new site to eventually surpass the original. It hasn't turned out that way. After a burst of initial enthusiasm, the site plateaued and then began to steadily decline. The site now has fewer than 100 active members, with only about a dozen of them making edits on a typical day...."


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Tags: oa.wikipedia oa.wikis oa.milestones oa.citizendium



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 12:15

Date published:

11/11/2011, 16:56