CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS | Graduate Students Support Open Access to Academic Research

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"This week Canadian graduate students joined with their international counterparts in celebrating the fifth annual Open Access Week. Open Access publishing, under which publicly funded research results are freely accessible to other researchers and the public, is an alternative to the pay-per-read model. "Graduate students support Open Access publishing and no-barrier access to scientific and academic research results," said Kimalee Phillip, Chairperson of the National Graduate Caucus. "The principles of Open Access are aligned with our values of access to high quality, peer-reviewed scholarly publications regardless of an individual's wealth or location." Graduate students will be working with campus librarians to build support for Open Access repositories and institutional grants to support students and faculty that publish in Open Access journals. As part of Open Access Week Graduate students are hosting panel discussions, workshops, movie screenings, forums and other events to raise awareness of issues with the current academic publishing industry...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 12:21

Date published:

10/26/2011, 21:25