Order high quality reprints online – it’s easy with EzReprint - BioMed Central blog

eekilcer@gmail.com's bookmark collection 2013-04-26


"BioMed Central is pleased to announce the launch of a new online reprint ordering service, provided by EzReprint, a part of Yurchak Printing, Inc, based in the USA….
The EzReprint service is available for both open access and subscription based articles.  Of course, any open access article can be reproduced on a normal desktop printer, but this service is a simple alternative for those who require multiple copies of high quality reprints. Orders for higher quantities (500+ copies) will be processed by BioMed Central’s reprints department and enquiries can be forwarded via the “Commercial Orders and Higher Quantities” link on the EzReprint order page, or by email to reprints@biomedcentral.com. We ask organizations who want to distribute reprints for commercial purposes to contact us.  Our commercial rates are competitive with other publishers, and the income we receive from reprint orders helps to support our Waiver Fund."



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Date tagged:

04/26/2013, 17:18

Date published:

04/26/2013, 13:18