Designing a climate resilient New York City

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability 2013-01-27


Humans have adapted to a changing climate for as long as we have been around. The rub is that now, humans have settled in with large cities, economies, transportation networks, and an agricultural system dependent on a snapshot of the climate in time. A change in the climate (either warmer here, or colder there) can stress on the systems we've laid down.New York City is as a prime example of a city negatively impacted by climate change. Its vulnerabilities were made all too apparent by Hurricane Sandy: transportation networks flooded, electricity was lost, homes and businesses sustained billions of dollars in damage, etc. However, Hurricane Sandy is also serving as an impulse to reimagine New York City for a new reality of rising water tables, more frequent severe storms, a growing population, while maintaining the aspects that make New York City a boon for tourism and investment. [More] Add to digg Add to StumbleUpon Add to Reddit Add to Facebook Add to Email this Article


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