A changing role in a changing market - Subscription Agents - Research Information

page_amanda's bookmarks 2016-01-29


"When Swets filed for bankruptcy in 2014, the 113-year old company clearly illustrated the difficulties faced by traditional intermediaries in a rapidly changing information ecosystem. The web has revolutionised many-to-many transactions and all intermediaries – whether library, publisher or subscription agent – have needed to transform the nature of their services. Failure to transform successfully will inevitably lead to the failure of individual companies, but the failure of such a high-profile subscription agent raised fundamental questions about the future of the industry itself: How could this have happened? How can it be stopped from happening again? And, most importantly, is there a long-term future for subscription agents?..."



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Date tagged:

01/29/2016, 12:49

Date published:

01/29/2016, 07:49