Springer launches comprehensive open access journal in Mathematics
gavinbaker's bookmarks 2014-06-23
"Springer has just launched a new open access journal in Mathematics. Research in the Mathematical Sciences journal will be part of the SpringerOpen portfolio and can be read without subscription charges or registration barriers on www.resmathsci.com and on Springer’s platform SpringerLink.
Research in the Mathematical Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal covering the full scope of all the traditional areas of applied and theoretical mathematics and computer science. The journal aims to publish high-quality original articles that make a significant contribution to these fields, and will actively seek to publish seminal papers in the most emerging and interdisciplinary areas of the mathematical sciences. It will also publish shorter research communications (Letters) covering nascent research in some of the hottest areas of mathematical research.
This journal will be an efficient enterprise in which the editors play a central role in soliciting the best research papers, and editorial decisions are reached in a timely fashion ..."