What Would Clinton and Trump Need to Do to Address the Debt Along with their Policy Agendas?

beSpacific 2016-10-26

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Report – “We recently estimated that Clinton’s policies would likely add $200 billion to the debt over the next decade, while Trump’s policies would add $5.3 trillion. We also found that the ratio of debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would rise from nearly 77 percent of GDP today to 86 percent by 2026 under Clinton and 105 percent under Trump. Newer estimates of their tax plans (but not spending initiatives) from the Tax Policy Center suggest similar findings. Debt cannot continue to rise faster than the economy indefinitely. Excessively high levels of debt harm economic growth and wages, squeeze out important national priorities, leave us less able to respond to future economic downturns, and, ultimately, are unsustainable. That means that if the candidates’ plans are implemented, they will need to be accompanied or followed by reductions in spending, increases in revenue, or both to avoid leaving our nation on an unsustainable fiscal path…”