FedWeb.com – How America Raises and Spends $4 Trillion per Year

beSpacific 2017-02-05

FedWed.com: “As General Counsel at the Senate Finance Committee, I had the good fortune to be present when our Chairman, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, famously said “everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” One of the great ironies of the Information Age is that the volume of information we receive — and the pace at which we receive information — has complicated the process of identifying facts, and separating facts from opinions and ideology. And yet, making decisions based on facts and solid information is more important than ever.  America’s policymakers, the media, and the general public face historic choices on how to prioritize our nation’s resources — how our government should raise and spend $4 trillion per year. These are decisions that will profoundly impact our nation’s security and financial stability; our citizens’ economic opportunity and healthcare; our children’s education; the safety of our food, water, drugs, and the air we breathe; America’s leadership in scientific research and technological innovation; the well-being of our soldiers in combat and the health of our returning veterans; ensuring robust international trade on which our businesses and jobs depend; and fulfilling our ongoing international responsibilities as the world’s leading democracy. This website is dedicated to providing policymakers, the media, and the general public timely and reliable information that is strictly nonpartisan, rigorously factual, and explained in plain English.  On the pages of this website, you will find: a chronology of key developments in fiscal, spending, tax and economic policy; up-to-the-minute real-time numbers on the the economy and monetary policy; links to the Budget of the United States back to FY 1996; an overview of Federal spending and nonpartisan explanations of federal programs including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and other Mandatory programs; Defense, and Non-Defense Discretionary programs; data on deficits and debt; details on taxes, tax reform and tax expenditures; fact-checking on current spending and tax issues; a plain English explanation of the congressional budget process and links to State budgets; and FedWeb blogs (sign-up above) that drill-down on key issues. We live in turbulent times when a multitude of consequential and important fiscal policy decisions will be made.  It is my hope that this website will contribute to good decisions by providing in one place, a source of nonpartisan, factual and plain English information. Follow us on Twitter @fedwebfacts – Charles S. Konigsberg.”