Take a Very Cheap Trip Around the World Using Over 3,300 Google Maps Screenshots

beSpacific 2017-02-11

Via YouTube – Google Maps: Hyperlapse Around the World

Via PetaPixel – “Today is Google Maps’ 12th birthday, and graphic design student Matteo Archondis is paying the platform homage in a really cool way. A fan of timelapse and hyperlapse techniques, Archondis created a visual hyperlapse tour of the world using only screenshots taken within Google Maps. The result is beyond impressive, taking you to landmarks all over the world—from a 360 around the Eiffel Tower to a drive across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. In all, the hyperlapse contains some 3,300 screenshots captured over the course of 2 days, and edited together in a grueling post-processing workflow that took another week after that.”