DOAJ Seal is now live on the site | News Service

greboun's bookmarks 2015-06-11


"The DOAJ Seal is now live. Although DOAJ has been indicating which journals get the Seal since March 2014, the Seal is now displayed alongside those journals that qualify. Look for this symbol ... We’ve also added a DOAJ Seal facet to the search so you can see all the Seal journals together.  Journals that adhere to an exceptionally high level of publishing standards and best practice are awarded the Seal as recognition of those efforts. The Seal is awarded to a journal that fulfills a set of criteria related to accessibility, openness, discoverability, reuse and author rights. It acts as a signal to readers and authors that the journal has generous use and reuse terms, author rights and adheres to the highest level of ‘openness’. The Seal has nothing to do with the scholarly quality of the material published in the journal.  To qualify for the Seal the journal must ..."


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Tags: oa.doaj oa.standards oa.policies oa.journals oa.announcements oa.quality

Date tagged:

06/11/2015, 11:18

Date published:

06/11/2015, 02:30