5 Hidden Prostate Cancer Triggers

ScienceQ publishing Group 2014-03-20

Of all the 

ways you could go, the odds of prostate cancer punching your ticket are pretty high. Cancer is the No. 2 killer of men—behind heart disease—and prostate cancer is the second-most-common form of cancer among American males, according to the American Cancer Society. (Skin cancer is most common.) One in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in his lifetime, the ACS says.

You’ve heard that trans fats are a no-no when it comes to keeping that precious gland healthy. But should canned foods and grocery store receipts be on your radar? They should be, because both are loaded with bisphenol-A (BPA)—a chemical that could trigger or promote the growth of prostate cancer cells, says Shuk-mei Ho, Ph.D., of the Cincinnati Cancer Center. 

In one recent study, urine samples of prostate cancer sufferers—especially those younger than 65—had up to eight times more BPA than the pee of healthy dudes, Dr. Ho and her colleagues discovered. She says it’s possible BPA may disrupt the normal way cells split and multiply, which could cause or contribute to the spread of the disease. 

Besides canned foods and store receipts (yes, store receipts), BPA is found in many hard plastics—including sport water bottles and microwaveable food containers. In addition to avoiding BPA, here are more new science-backed ways to lower your risk. 

Go easy on the booze. One recent Canadian study found the more alcohol you drink throughout your lifetime, the higher your odds of developing prostate cancer. Another from Brazil’s National Cancer Institute found that risk swells if you knock back more than two drinks a day. The Brazilian researchers point to acetaldehyde—a metabolite found in alcohol—as the possible cancer contributor. They suspect it may act as a “solvent,” helping carcinogens penetrate the walls of your cells. 

Same goes for milk. Prostate cancer risk increases among men who consume a lot of protein from dairy products, suggests research from the UK. The study authors say your body’s levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) leap when you consume dairy protein, and past research has indicated IGF-1 may speed up the spread of cancer cells. Unfortunately, the study doesn’t reveal how much dairy is too much—only that your cancer risk rises along with your body’s levels of dairy’s protein hormones.  

Mind your acids. While omega-3 fatty acids from fish have been shown to lower your cancer risk, an Australian study tied two types of dietary acids—linoleic acid and palmitic acid—to the promotion of prostate cancer growth. Foods high in linoleic acid include salad dressings, grain-based desserts like cookies and cake, and snack chips, while butter and lard are high in palmitic acid.

Head for the country. Nitrogen dioxide—a major component of traffic-related air pollution—has been linked to higher rates of prostate cancer by a University of Quebec team. The more NO2 near your home, the more your cancer risk balloons, they say. Why? Inhaling the gas appears to affect the cells in your immune system, rendering them less able to stop the proliferation of several cancers. Move to the middle of nowhere—or an apartment away from your city’s busiest intersection—the study data suggests.