Agfem-Workshop Ohio State University of Columbus

Agfem 2014-04-16

1.    Religious Women in the Late Middle Ages (Sigrid Hirbodian)

Petra Kurz Kleine Orte – große Welten. Angela von Holfels und die Augustiner-Chorfrauen von St. Agneten in Trier

Janina Sollbach The “Offenbarungen” of Christine Ebner. Wie und warum funktioniert diese Gottesbeziehung?

Stefanie Neidhardt “Eine neue welt der not ist das man fliss zu ihr hat.” Spirituality of observant Dominican nuns in the 15th Century

Andrea Osten Reform and Ordinacio of the Convent Saint Katherine of Nürnberg

Babette Reicherdt Practices of Enclosure in the Poor Clare’s Convent Sainte-Claire in 16th Century Geneva

2.    Cloister and World (Gisela Muschiol)

Tobias Kanngießer Goetgine Busschop. A Daughter of a Citizen of Cologne, Nun and Composter of a Late Medieval Liber Ordinarius

Jennifer Wenner Women as leading figures and role models in the Hirsau reform movement. Studies on the Vita Herlucae and Vita Paulinae

Vera Henkelmann Linen Embroideries as Witnesses and Agents. A research project on textiles from Northern German female convents as witnesses and agents in the personal-intarigible and sacres-profane nexus of the late middle ages

3.    New Projects & A View Ahead (Letha Böhringer)

Sigrid Wegner The activities of the beguines in Koblenz

Jennifer K. Deane Sisters Among: Beguine and Lay Religious Women’s Communities in Medieval Germany.

Alison I. Beach/Shannon Turner Premonstratensian