OA Publishing Cooperative Study: Year One Report | Public Knowledge Project

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-07-23


"PKP’s MacArthur-funded Open Access Publishing Cooperative Study has reached the halfway point in its two year timeline examining cooperation between publishing stakeholder groups. It continues to explore potential cooperative associations involving disciplines (Libraria), national initiatives (Canadian Journals Project), and regional models (African Journals Project).

In this report, we share our first year outputs and outcomes, reflections and views for next year, as well as some updates from the case studies we are investigating. As always, we welcome your questions, feedback, and suggestions."



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oa.new oa.reports oa.case oa.publishing oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.obstacles oa.canada oa.libraries oa.surveys oa.librarians oa.case.journals oa.south_africa oa.ghana oa.usa oa.preservation oa.consultations oa.pkp

Date tagged:

07/23/2016, 18:28

Date published:

07/23/2016, 14:28