User acceptance of the e-information service as information resource: a new extension of the technology acceptance model: New Library World: Vol 117, No 9/10

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-09-17


"The objective of the present study is to extend significantly the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of Davis to design an extended TAM model to be used in the evaluation and assessment of e-information services for information research such as e-library services. The present TAM extension is based on two variables of behavioral intention: The perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of a system. Furthermore, the user satisfaction, free access, information architecture, content richness, policies and rules, publishers’ quality, system self-efficacy, and task technology fit were incorporated into the TAM to extend it with other factors theoretically motivated and would be of interest more generally."


"This paper is useful in advancing a framework for the evaluation and assessment of the electronic information service used for information research and exploring users' attitudes towards using that service."


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09/17/2016, 17:03

Date published:

09/17/2016, 13:03