Open data | …and Then There's Physics

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-12-02


"Since I’m sitting at the station waiting for a train that is delayed 40 minutes, I thought I would post on something that I’ve been thinking about for the last couple of days. There is quite a lot of discussion about open science. The idea is that we should make everything available; data, codes, papers, etc. Fundamentally this is a good thing, and so what I’m about to say isn’t an argument against it. However, there are almost always unintended consequences, and open science is no exception, which is nicely illustrated by the recent furore over the role of El Niño in surface warming."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.comment oa.open_science oa.environment

Date tagged:

12/02/2016, 16:33

Date published:

12/02/2016, 11:33