Völkerrechtsblog’s experience with providing open access to scholars from 156 countries around the world, Raffaela Kunz/Michael Riegner – blogdroiteuropéen

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-12-16


"In the remainder of this post, we would like to share some preliminary thoughts on international law and open access. How does international law affect open access to scholarship? How far does open access to international legal scholarship currently go? And under what conditions can blogs be pioneers of openly accessible, transnational legal discourse?"



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks


oa.new oa.benefits oa.objections oa.europe oa.blogs oa.law oa.north oa.south oa.copyright oa.boai oa.definitions oa.cc oa.licensing oa.disciplines oa.germany oa.legislation oa.uniersities oa.infrastructure oa.dois oa.preservation oa.peer_review oa.business_models oa.obstacles oa.languages oa.incentives oa.libre

Date tagged:

12/16/2016, 10:48

Date published:

12/16/2016, 05:48