Open Letter on recent developments in science in the US - EuroScientist journal

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-02-15


"From our multiple contacts with scientists, researchers and organisations in the USA and around the world we are aware of the anxiety among our colleagues concerning the impact of the ongoing policy reorientation under President Donald Trump and his administration."


"All of these are at odds with the principles of transparency, open communication, mobility of scholars and scientists, which are vital to scientific progress and to the benefit our societies, economies and cultures derive from it. Restrictions on research, scientists and research centres in inconvenient areas have no place in science."


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Tags: oa.letters oa.usa oa.europe oa.government oa.medicine oa.climate oa.environment

Date tagged:

02/15/2017, 14:13

Date published:

02/15/2017, 09:13