Jump Start Your Scholarly Communication Initiatives: Lessons Learned From Redesigning the Scholarly Communications Roadshow for a New Generation of Librarians

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-04-19


"The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Scholarly Communication Roadshow (the Roadshow) has a long history in and connection to the Association and its strategic planning around meeting the needs of academic librarians. What began with the ACRL Task Force on Scholarly Communication Report of 2002, suggesting there was a role for the organization in educating librarians on scholarly communication, has become a robust program that has grown and evolved with the needs of librarians since it began in 2009.1 Since that time, the Roadshow has been hosted by 41 institutions, with over 2,600 participants from 716 institutions taking part (See Appendix 1)."



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Date tagged:

04/19/2017, 22:49

Date published:

04/19/2017, 18:49