Open data and the desert – Mor Rubinstein – Medium

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-07-03


"I have been working in the open data field for a while now, going from local (Israel) to global to local (UK) again. From government data to charity data, from hacks to policy. In the last year I feel fatigue around me. There is some sense of where we want to go, but the way forward is foggy, and sometimes I think we’ve lost sight of the end station. We don’t even see what the next stop is.

I’ve heard the phrase “open data is a means to an end, not the end itself” too many times in the last year. But what is the end we’re actually looking for?"


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.comment oa.definitions oa.government oa.intelligibility oa.privacy oa.advocacy

Date tagged:

07/03/2017, 19:45

Date published:

07/03/2017, 15:45