Open & Collaborative Science Manifesto - YouTube

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-07-14


"At OCSDNet, we engaged in a participatory consultation with scientists, development practitioners and activists from 26 countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia to understand what are the values at the core of open science in development. What we learned is that there is not one right way to do open science. It requires constant negotiation and reflection, and the process will always differ by context. But we also found a set of seven values and principles at the core of their vision for a more inclusive open science in development. This video describes the 7 principles that we believe constitute a more open and inclusive science in development."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.development oa.open_science oa.latin_america oa.middle_east oa.principles oa.south

Date tagged:

07/14/2017, 16:01

Date published:

07/14/2017, 12:01