Biblio-Talk: Open access journals important issue in Queens County libraries

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-07-28


"This isn’t an issue that can be fixed tomorrow, but it is important to think and talk about the way in which research is done in today’s world and how beneficial a move to open access can be. If you, or you child, or your grandchild is enrolled in post-secondary education, they can talk to their institution’s librarian about what sort of resources their school has for housing or searching for open access materials."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.libraries oa.canada oa.cancellations oa.prices oa.budgets oa.advocacy oa.benefits oa.journals

Date tagged:

07/28/2017, 12:00

Date published:

07/28/2017, 08:00