Novel Scholarly Journal Concepts

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-10-06


"Clearly the predominant business model in journal publishing has always been the subscription model, however there have been several recent developments which aim to provide alternatives to this established model. The most obvious alternative in today’s marketplace is the Open Access ‘author pays’ APC (Article Publication Charge) model which has been successfully used by the likes of BioMed Central, PLOS, Hindawi, and Frontiers, to name a few. This model will be well understood by most readers, so we shall not dwell on it here. Instead it is interesting to consider some of the other Open Access business models which are in the marketplace today:"


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.business_models oa.fees oa.memberships oa.funders oa.economics_of oa.peer_review oa.megajournals oa.journals

Date tagged:

10/06/2017, 12:08

Date published:

10/06/2017, 08:08