Open Access Week 23-29 ottobre 2017 | Bibliosan 2.0

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-10-21


English Translation (Google): Open Access Week 23-29 October 2017

"Anche quest’anno OpenAIRE ha deciso di organizzare una serie di webinar su vari aspetti legati all’Open Science in generale. A questo link troverete tutte le informazioni utili.  Per chi invece fosse a Trieste, in occasione di questo evento l’Università degli studi di Trieste ha organizzato per il 27 ottobre una giornata di dibattito e approfondimento sull’ open access e la libera diffusione dei dati della ricerca."

English Translation (Google): "Again this year OpenAIRE has decided to organize a series of webinars on various aspects of Open Science in general. At this link you will find all useful information.  For those who were in Trieste, at this event, the University of Trieste organized a day of debate and insight into open access and the free dissemination of research data on 27 October ."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

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Date tagged:

10/21/2017, 13:13

Date published:

10/21/2017, 09:13