Community-Driven Science: An Interview With EarthArXiv Founders Chris Jackson, Tom Narock and Bruce Caron

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-10-26


"EarthArxiv has been a great example of an open, community-led initiative that isn't controlled by any one entity. It's been fast, and exciting, but ultimately the dispersed nature of it all will be a strength. COS had been working with many communities to launch preprint services in late 2016 (Socarxiv, PsyArXiv, engRxiv) and then another cluster in early 2017 (PaleoRxiv, AgriXiv, MindRxiv, SportRxiv, LawArXiv, etc.) had created some buzz. Chris Jackson reached out to me on Twitter in March to find out what options there were for someone to start something like this for Earth sciences."


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Date tagged:

10/26/2017, 09:36

Date published:

10/26/2017, 05:36