OSF | Open Practices Badges for Curricula Vitae: An additional way to help change incentives in Psychological Science?

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-11-27


"Psychological Science currently faces (a wide-spread realization of) several problematic issues. Many proposals have already been made in order to try and improve matters. One of which is signaling, promoting, and rewarding good and/or open practices via the use of badges that indicate that a paper provides access to things like open data, open materials, and pre-registration information. In order to maximize the possible usefulness of badges for signaling, promoting, and (possibly) rewarding good and/or open practices, using badges on CV’s could be of tremendous help in changing incentives."



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Date tagged:

11/27/2017, 16:45

Date published:

11/27/2017, 11:45