Otvoreni Pristup Znanstvenim Informacijama - Doprinos Arhivista

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-12-18


English Translation (Google): Open Approach of Scientific Information - Arrival Contribution

"Abstrakt:  U  izlaganju  će  se  opisati  značenje  pojma  “otvoreni pristup” (open access, OA) i što u tome kontekstu znače izrazi golden road i green road. Predstavit će se neki postojeći modeli i inicijative za otvoreni pristup  znanstvenim  informacijama  te  mogućnosti  doprinos  arhivista  kao informacijskih stručnjaka u tome nastojanju"

English Translation (Google): "Abstract: The exposition will describe the meaning of the concept of "open access" (OA), and in that context, the terms golden road and green road. Some existing models and initiatives for open access to scientific information will be presented, as well as the possibility of contributing archivists as information specialists in this endeavor."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks


oa.new oa.croatian oa.glam oa.archives oa.intro

Date tagged:

12/18/2017, 16:17

Date published:

12/18/2017, 11:17