JMIR-Open Availability of Patient Medical Photographs in Google Images Search Results: Cross-Sectional Study of Transgender Research | Marshall | Journal of Medical Internet Research

lkfitz's bookmarks 2018-03-02


"This paper focuses on the collision of three factors: a growing emphasis on sharing research through open access publication, an increasing awareness of big data and its potential uses, and an engaged public interested in the privacy and confidentiality of their personal health information. One conceptual space where this collision is brought into sharp relief is with the open availability of patient medical photographs from peer-reviewed journal articles in the search results of online image databases such as Google Images."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.medicine oa.privacy oa.images

Date tagged:

03/02/2018, 09:58

Date published:

03/02/2018, 04:58