Conferència de John Willinsky, activista de l'Open Access i impulsor del Public Knowledge Project

lkfitz's bookmarks 2018-04-27


English Translation (Google): "Conference by John Willinsky, activist of the Open Access and promoter of the Public Knowledge Project"

"Willinsky parlarà de l'Open Access, com el coneixement en obert ha estat present en el món de la cultura i la ciència al llarg de la història i com s'ha generat la propietat intel·lectual. Finalment, ho relacionarà amb el debat més recent ​sobre accès obert, ciència i societat"

English Translation (Google): "Willinsky will talk about Open Access, as open knowledge has been present in the world of culture and science throughout history and how intellectual property has been generated. Finally, it will relate it to the most recent debate on open access, science and society".


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

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Date tagged:

04/27/2018, 11:57

Date published:

04/27/2018, 07:57