Fiona Murphy: When gadflies become horses: On the unlikelihood of ethical critique from the academy @FocaalBlog

lkfitz's bookmarks 2018-06-29


"Many commentators have highlighted how, at its inception, HAU was presented as an alternative vision for anthropological publishing (Don Kalb, FocaalBlog), part of the open access movement, with much in common with the sharing economy’s attempts to disrupt and circumvent capitalist relations of production and consumption. HAU, however, became little more than a reflection of the neoliberal system of which it was a part, especially in its active debasing of the principles of mutuality, solidarity, and equality on which it was founded."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.hau oa.comment oa.negative oa.anthropology oa.humanities oa.publishing oa.journals oa.ssh oa.ssh

Date tagged:

06/29/2018, 11:02

Date published:

06/29/2018, 07:02