Does Arxiv satisfy the REF Open Access policy? | RESEARCH NEWS from Swansea University Library

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-01-24


"Short answer: no. The accepted version of a paper needs to be uploaded to RIS as well.

The HEFCE REF Open Access policy includes 'subject based repositories' as a suitable home for open access papers. The associated FAQ state that HEFCE do not stipulate which repositories meet their requirements. One of the best known subject repositories is Arxiv, hosted at Cornell University Library: 'Open access to 1,225,076 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics' (at time of writing). These subject areas have a longstanding tradition of open science: scholars publish pre-prints on Arxiv for review which then later may get published in scholarly journals."


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Date tagged:

01/24/2017, 12:45

Date published:

01/24/2017, 07:45