A legal alternative to academic publishing paywalls | MetaFilter

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-04-13


"Unpaywall is a web browser extension which finds free versions of paywalled or fee-to-view articles. Launched in early April, it provides an interface to a database of 86+ million digital object identifiers (DOIs). When an Unpaywall user lands on the page of a research article, the software scours thousands of institutional repositories, preprint servers, and websites like PubMed Central to see if an open-access copy of the article is available. If it is, users can click a small green tab on the side of the screen to view a PDF. The developers say Unpaywall doesn't ask for, track or store any personal information. Developed by Impactstory and funded by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Alternatives are available...

Some other sources of, or methods for, obtaining free academic content include: * DOAJ: the Directory of Open Access Journals. * OpenDOAR: the Directory of Open Access Repositories. * DOAB: the Directory of Open Access Books. * Google Scholar, where some results include a link to a free PDF. * Of legal dispute, Sci-Hub, an online search engine with over 58 million academic papers and articles available for direct download, bypassing publisher paywalls. * Similarly, Library Genesis offers access to more than 52 million articles from about 50,000 publications. * The Open Access Button. * Preprint archives, such as arXiv for mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, and quantitative finance, and bioRxiv for the biological sciences. * Social networking sites which focus on paper sharing, such as academia.edu or researchgate.net (some are spam or legally problematic). * JURN: a free and no-ad online search tool for the finding and downloading of free full-text scholarly works. * Various online search engines e.g. FreeFullPDF of variable quality. Alternately... * Emailing the article/paper author, politely asking if they know of an alternative or free location where you can obtain the work. * Tweeting ICanHazPDF (note: makes it public that you may be engaging in illegal activity). * Asking your friendly local librarian (academic or public) who may have knowledge of other techniques or sources."



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Date tagged:

04/13/2017, 21:51

Date published:

04/13/2017, 17:51