Europe's Future: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open World

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-05-16


"The focus of the analyses presented in this book is on the way open science, open innovation and open to the world – the so-called 3 O’s – are likely to impact European innovation performance, growth and international competitiveness. As the quote from Commissioner Carlos Moedas cited above highlights, research and innovation are essential for Europe’s long term future. Given Europe’s demographics and the global competition to attract talents, to produce scientific knowledge, to create new value, to address – and find solutions to – the many social, economic and environmental problems, a readiness to 'embrace change', to 'try new things and be willing to take risks' will be essential for Europe to keep its unique position in the world as beacon of 'values of openness and diversity... using European research and innovation for something greater than our own gain'." 


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05/16/2017, 22:04

Date published:

05/16/2017, 18:04