“L’open data par défaut ne pourra pas se faire sans médiation numérique” - Samuel Goëta

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-05-17


From Google Translate: "The open data is celebrating its 10th birthday in 2017, in December, if one takes as birth certificate a founding meeting, in California. Born by the wishes of a small group of geeks and visionaries of the web, it has established itself in most Western countries, as an argument of transparency, and instrument of innovation. Until it became mandatory for all administrations, including local authorities, in France in 2016. Samuel Goëta devoted a thesis to his deployment in France, observing the practices of several administrations, the difficulties encountered by agents, and his Effects on organizations. Interview."



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Date tagged:

05/17/2017, 17:18

Date published:

05/17/2017, 13:18